Following in the tradition of Jesus Christ and his servants the Reverend Henry Melchior Muhlenberg and family, this site strives to uphold the expression of the true Christian faith within American society. In doing so, we hold paramount both the Law as written in the Ten Commandments and the Gospel expressed rightly in the Holy Scriptures. We deem these as accurate instructions given by our Creator for the benefit of the Christian people in all matters of faith and life. Click Here for more information on our Witness and Mission. Note: This site does not promote or endorse the use of any violence, except as a last restraint against harm inflicted on any vulnerable human beings, each of whom was created in the image of Almighty God.
While this site is geographically self-restricted to Allegany mountain areas, any Christian minister or lay leader who wishes to become involved in this public ministry here or elsewhere… Please feel free to contact me via email at: |
Black Robe Regiment– Allegany |
Wanton Wealth? To check this month’s article click HERE! |